Wednesday, September 12, 2007

final image

A PEEP into my childhood memories...
Image Retrieved from Kong Rui Jia
Rationale: I had portrayed the lego toy that is in the aeroplane to be me. As kids, we are often fascinated by things. Thus, for me, when i was small, i was fascinated by the rubik's cube. Curiousity gave in. And can be seen from the pictures, i gave chase after the rubik's cube. And along the way, i learnt alot of things as i explored these interesting surroundings that the rubik's cube has brought me to. I had alot of fun. And being a child is to have fun while exploring new things! As these were just all my childhood memories. i decided to have a pinhole effect in my photograph. A peep into my childhood memories. =) Revive those memories! I have also worked with the tone - serpia because i believe it will create a nostalgic feeling for my photographs.
p.s: rationale is still quite the same as the rationale that is posted in ideas development 05.the only difference is the explanation of the pinhole effect in my photograph. =D "Peep into my childhood memories" also, i have only worked with only one photograph because i am still currently unwell. still very sick. Thus, i hope you guys would understand. no worries! it would also be this style that i would be applying on if i were to complete on my other photographs. i chose to work on this above photograph because if you were to ask me where were the places that i had most of my childhood fun when i was a kid, i had to say that all my childhood fun came from HDB blocks. all the catching and hiding. all the police and thief chasing. =D
AND also, plenty thanks to shirlyn for her help and also for her inspiring idea that has helped improved my work!
haha. and well, i have to say that my inspiration for this piece would come from my chosen designer Peter Blake's design belief - getting his inspirations from his own collection of toys and miniature characters. I have in no doubt gotten inspiration for this piece of work from my own collection of toys, lego and my rubik's cube. =)) When i first took out my toys - Lego & Rubik's cube, for this piece of work, there were alot of memories that were in my mind. memories of me playing with my lego toy, memories of me fascinated by the Rubik's cube that i would even skip my dinner just to solve the puzzle. thus, in simpler words, i am inspired by the memories that these toys have given me to start work on this piece of design! i believe its just like the way Peter Blake own collection of toys has inspired him to kick-start any of his major works. =D