Friday, September 7, 2007

ideas development stage 2

Images retrieved from: Kong Rui Jia

okay people! after that consultation session with shirlyn, i realised that it is time to bring my lego characters out for a walk, which was one of my favourite pasttime! when i was a KID, i loved to bring my lego toys out to the playground and play with them! =) heehee. okay. what i wanted to portray here is the same joy and fun that lego characters can have as i had. Even though they might appeared dwarf to the giant slides and the monkey bar, it wont stop them from having fun. BEING YOUNG is to have fun! In other words, what i wanted to portray here is that one's limitation is himself/herself. To linked very closely with my design style - to shoot in an interesting way that could best bring out the mood, i tried out all the possible ways of shooting my lego characters in the most interesting way that were possible. However, to me personally, i felt that this idea was rather boring and plain. with only lego characters. hai. zzzZzz. Nvm, its ok. i am still developing my ideas. I am sure I would come out with even better ideas in my next posting. meanwhile, enjoy!